BARBATE CLIFFS: Cliffs of Andalusia


The Barbate Cliff or Tajo Cliff (Cádiz) is a splendid example of the forces of nature, in this case the action of geological processes on a large system of dunes and the erosion caused by the sea on the continent.

The cliff, one hundred meters high, reaches its full height near the Tajo Tower, within the Natural Park of La Breña and Marismas del Barbate, to gently descend towards Barbate.


Tajo Tower

After the Reconquest, the Duke of Medina-Sidonia ordered the construction of watchtowers along the coast to warn of the arrival of Moorish corsairs from the coasts of Morocco.


The Tajo Tower was built in the sixteenth century by Philip II and is also known as the Tembladera Tower, and is sometimes hidden by the tops of the pines. It is located in the municipality of Barbate.

At 14 meters high, it is the second tallest in the province of Cadiz, and after its restoration, it is well preserved. It is freely accessible, and the Junta de Andalucía granted it special recognition as a Castle of the Community.

The Barbate Cliffs Route

The natural environment of the Tajo Tower and the cliffs is undoubtedly one of the most impressive on the Andalusian coast.


It is recommended to park the vehicle at the Marina and start the itinerary from Yerbabuena Beach to Los Caños de Meca. The route is about 12 km long.


The itinerary starts along a path very close to the road that ascends to the Tajo Tower in the middle of the route, revealing the impressive cliff sculpted in the rock by water seepage.

The viewpoint of the Tower will surprise us with a spectacular panoramic view of the coast, from where we can see the Bay of Barbate, Cape Gracia, and Africa in front.


On the cliff wall, there is a birdhouse used by cattle egrets, yellow-legged gulls, little egrets, and in smaller numbers, rock doves, jackdaws, and black starlings.

On the way to Los Caños de Meca, we descend through a thick band of vegetation characterized by the presence of holm oaks, mastic trees, blackberry bushes, strawberry trees, and ivy, until we reach the base of the cliff.



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